Limited Liability Companies (LLCs) and Corporations
A LLC or a Corporation (either a subchapter S or a subchapter C) often requires quick action and knowledgeable assistance. We bring experience and business savvy to the planning and implementation process for your business. As part of the team that drafted the first limited liability statutes for the State of South Dakota, Vince is familiar with the options available to the owners of a LLC.
We can also help with the ongoing requirements of your LLC or Corporation through our Business Service option.
Please complete the “Contact Us” form or call our office at (605) 886-7281. Let us know any questions you may have, what type of entity you would like to consider, and any other important information.
To begin the process, you may also use the link below.
Entity Intake Form
Under new federal laws, most corporations or limited liability companies have a requirement to report their ownership. Commonly called the FinCEN or BOIR report, certain owners are required to file these reports with the United States Treasury. If you would like our assistance, please email or call and we can assist.